Thursday, July 21, 2011

Not Something You See Everyday!

I looked out the window and what did I see...a man wearing a box on his head!? He wore it for a while, I think he was being serious...guess that is how they roll in the south. Who needs small visors when you have cardboard boxes?

We were taking the pictures with the zoom lens on my camera through the blinds and...I think the guy saw us being creepers.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Newest Ultrasound Pictures

Today was the first visit to my new doctor in Louisiana. I loved her! My favorite part of the appointment was when she told me that they had scheduled me for an ultrasound today if I wanted or if that was ok. Um...YES!!! I had been hoping that by changing doctors and moving to a new state that the new doctor would want to see how everything was going. It was so good to see her again and know everything is going well. Today's ultrasound was mainly to check major organ development, size of baby and breathing patterns. She appears to be about 5 pounds 7 or 8 ounces right now. The doctor said she is in the 65th percentile for her growth right now, which is good to hear. The doctor said she is right on track. The amniotic fluid levels looked good and she scored an 8 out of 8 on the breathing patterns test, even though she was moving around during it which made it harder on the technician. Here are a few pictures for you all to enjoy!

Above is a profile picture. As you can see her arms and hands were up by her face, which made it hard to get a good picture of her face.

My Favorite Front view (We think her cheeks look round and chunky :) )

Another Front View

And yes, she is indeed a girl and we don't have to worry about returning all the pink girly stuff we have :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's Official!

Yup. It's official. We both have Louisiana driver's licenses and a Louisiana license plate. I have to admit that the DMV here in Baton Rouge was the quickest one I have ever been to. We went in expecting to wait forever but as soon as we were given a number they called it. Both of us were a little shocked but we went to the counter anyway. Well, we failed in bringing everything we needed. Apparently you need your current driver's license, your SS card and your birth certificate or passport. Also we were informed that it was cash only for your license, which we never carry. We didn't have enough to even get one driver's license. So we loaded back up into the Jimmy and hurried home to try to get the papers we needed and get back to the DMV before they closed. We made it home with plenty of time but decided to take a different route back to the DMV (thinking it was quicker). Ha, WRONG! But don't worry, we made it back to the DMV with 5 mins before they closed.
Little did I know that when getting your new driver's license in Louisiana they take your old one. I was sitting there patiently through the process when all of the sudden the nice DMV guy handed me back my SS card and birth certificate and threw my California driver's license in his drawer saying he will shred it at the end of the day. Ben laughed at me because at this moment my heart stopped and I sucked in air as I stared at him in shock. What?! They were taking that from me?! It was the best ID picture I have ever had! When I changed my name on my old one all they did was punch a hole in it and you could keep it. No one prepared me for having to give up my California driver's license completely! It was a sad day indeed for all who know me. I managed to live in Idaho for 2 years and Utah for another 4 without getting a Utah driver's license. I guess this is just a part of life.

We also decided to join the crowd here in Baton Rouge and put an LSU sticker on our car. It seems like every car we drive by has at least one LSU sticker, if not two. Ben told me he was slightly shocked that I would put a sticker on my car. This surprised me since I had put a BYU-Idaho sticker and a Hawaii sticker on my truck in high school. But I guess he didn't know me them. Apparently I don't seem like the sticker type.

Playing Catch Up

So with preparing to move, moving and everything else going on we have been a little behind on updating our blog. But I vow to be better now that we have moved and I have nothing else to do during the day Haha. Here is a glimpse of what all was going on in our life the past few months. To start out with we drove up to Boise in May for Bec's graduation from BSU. We are so proud of her!

Ben and favorite part of the picture is Madison down in the corner for the picture :)

At the beginning of June we made a trip out to California to visit. We were so excited that Jared and Tierney we able to bless Evan the weekend we were there. He is such a cute baby!

Cute Family!

While in California we had a chance to drive down to see Aunt Nancy, Brenda and Patrick. It was so good to see all of them! We decided that while we were down there we would walk down the pier at Pismo Beach and enjoy the ocean for a bit. This is definitely something I will miss.

Jared and Evan

Mom and Aunt Nancy goofing off :)

My handsome husband!

We were joking that this was a 3 generation photo even though our baby girl is still inside of me :)

A true three generations...Dad, Jared and Evan

Ben snapped this as we were walking back to the car. I was sad to be leaving the beach.

We made it to Baton Rouge just in time for the 4th of July. It was kind of an unusual 4th since we spent the day unpacking but we decided to go downtown and watch the big firework show that was put on over the Mississippi. We ended up parking at the top of a parking garage and watched it from up there. We were unable to get a good picture to depict how awesome the show was, but here is one. This was probably one of the coolest firework shows I have ever seen.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Welcome to Louisiana!

This is what we came home to find in our hallway on the 4th of July. Pretty nasty huh! In it's attempt to run away it got stuck between the floor and a baseboard (in this little gap). Ben squished what he could and while trying to clean it up the front half tried to ran away. Don't worry...Ben squished that half too! Our apartment manager had told me to report any bugs, even if it was just a spider since our complex has a contract with pest control. So you better believe I reported that nasty little creature. The funny part when I told the manager and the pest control guy that it was about 2 inches long they both said "Oh that's nothing...that's small. That's just a tree cockroach" SMALL?!! That thing was huge!!! And I don't care what kind of cockroach it was still a cockroach! When I told the pest control guy that I thought it was big he replied "You must not be from Southern Louisiana" and laughed. I guess this is just part of living in the South.