Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Random Moments in California

Evelyn said "Hi" the same time Ben took this picture. She was loving walking around on Grandma's patio and finally ventured onto the grass near the end of the trip. Evelyn hasn't always been the biggest fan of grass. 
She is the reason we have plug covers in all of our plugs 
 We let Evelyn sit in the Jeep for a little bit before Mommy pulled it into the barn

 We celebrated my 25th birthday while in California. All I wanted was some good Mexican food, so we went to Jardines.

Evelyn had her own meal, though I think we ate more of it than she did!  
Evelyn was spoiled with some early birthday presents from her aunts and uncles 
Her uncle Jared thought it would be funny to put her in one of the gift bags
 Cousin Evan
 Grandpa with 4 of his grandkids
 Evelyn and Cousin Jack
 Evelyn loved her Uncle Jared
 Cute babies

Look out Nana, Evelyn is already wanting piano lessons!

Twice Ben and my Dad tried to go raccoon hunting...twice they came up short. The raccoons have been making a muddy mess in the pool every night and we were getting a little tired of it. Oh well. At least we don't have to worry about being sprayed by these nasty creatures!

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